Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Refinery 29

 When you get a chance vote for me! 


$2 Dolla Holla!

This past Friday my mother and I attended the $2 Goodwill Sale. The Goodwill sale only happens once a year and I was definitely going to be there. Waking up at 8am isn't bad but when you have a cold you acquired the night before it's unholy, but nothing was going to stop me. Arriving at the sale I got a rush of energy and excitement my blood started boiling!!!! no joke. The doors of Goodwill opened and I rushed inside like if it was a black Friday sale. Anything pastel, bright, printed and sequins had to be snatched up and in my shopping cart. Little by little the pile of clothing grew and grew and grew till I practically had a mountain of clothing larger than me, All in all I bought every single piece of clothing I picked, call me hoarder, call me a vintage connoisseur, call me whatever you like but I know I got some amazing pieces. I left the Goodwill sale with 5 big bags. 
I love thrifting!

p.s excuse the crappy photos all I had was my iPhone

Sunday Tools

Coffee, Sex and the City, comp book, magazines, laptop, sewing machine, inspiration. 
Perfect Sunday tools. It's time to WORK!

Cake$ Nails


I got my nails done! 90's chic. 


Knit Floral

Wearing thrifted knit floral cardigan, royal blue button down, burnt orange pants, and vintage Justin boots, paired with my gifted side wallet purse. 

On my way to thrift in Las Vegas!

Life on Instagam

Pretty much sums up my weekend. 
Disco party, iridescent chic David, my little pony necklace, and Love sunnies a gift from my lova Matthew Hensley.

It's been a crazy January and it'll be an even crazier February. EXCITED!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snap Back

photos; Roxy Ferrari's FB, Gabe de Dios's instagram, Boy London on Warhol google, Boy London metal google, Fresh Prince snap backs

I've been obsessing over snapbacks lately.. 
Snapback hat + dark sunnies + drop crotch pants + leather jacket + heels = perfect outfit. 

On occasion I'll set up a booth called Haus of Love with a lot of chic vintage pieces at different events. This Friday if your in the Pomona area and want something to do, then please join us at Nail'd. My talented friend Patty who designs some intense and beautiful nail art will be displaying her artwork and will also be painting away nails at donation cost. Check out Cakes Nails here and here.